“In the beginning was the Word…”

By the end, you will all know so many of my little secrets.

In the spring of 2016, I graduated from a prestigious university with a degree in philosophy. Armed with critical thinking skills, an imagination, and a solid grasp of the English language, I went out, fought off barbarians and oddly-aggressive oysters, and conquered the known world!

What do you mean, you don’t believe me?

I jest, of course—there is no such thing as an oddly-aggressive oyster.

The schooling I enjoyed in order to earn my degree helped me reexamine my biases, my sense of self, the way I approached writing and music, and much more that I’m sure will come out later. What it did not do—what I did not expect it to do—was provide a clear and profitable path for a career outside law. That path is not mine to tread. While I did find employment, and my employer was duly impressed by my credentials, I have not since graduating put to good use what talents I have, what training I received. I intend to remedy that with this site.

Offering absurd questions answers more serious than they would appear to deserve is not the only way to showcase creative writing and philosophical talent, but it’s my way. The more absurd a question is, the greater my opportunity to see how I might make sense of it. The point for now is simply for me to enjoy myself while I make evident what talents I have in pursuit of whatever greater philosophical endeavors may come along.

Stick around! Watch me explore perilous thought-caves so I can dig up and revitalize dead ideas for our mutual amusement! Watch me fall down rabbit holes surely populated by saber-toothed rodents! I’ll make you laugh! Perhaps I just did!

With care,

~ Grigori

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